Office of Droll Concerns

Chin Up!

More courage for real freedom!

Public space is planned, created and used – and it looks more and more alike: It has to fulfill every need, it is equipped with facilities that specify uses. Its origin is subject to a large number of rules, regulations, and laws because of highly regulated development processes. In this process the courage for new solutions is getting lost. There are rules courage can hide behind, there are stakeholders and interest groups that are breaking any courage, there is caution that pushes courage aside. Decision makers, planners, users – all of them need courage for the unusual and the unknown in order to gain real public spaces. Politics need courage to make decisions, planners need courage for consistent planning, conflict parties need civil courage, users need trust in themselves.

BLA invites you to put your courage to the test. We put up the ladders and keep megaphones ready. Every step on the ladder is courageous, every outspoken word demands determination, every response needs strength: Climb up the ladder and share your thoughts and ideas! Make yourself visible and audible! Drop by and gain new perspectives with BLA: We support your dispute!

Participatory Performance
urbanize festival 2017 – democracity – 8.10.2017 14:00 – 17:00 Volksgarten, 1010 Wien